Fathers’ Rights Lawyer in Oakland County
Advocating For the Rights of Single Fathers in Michigan
At Lady4Justice, we are firmly committed to 2 parent families, whether the parents are married, single, divorced, or separated. We acknowledge the growing number of excellent judges in some counties that start with a presumption of joint custody. This is an encouraging trend from even the recent past. However, men are a long way off from enjoying the presumption that women enjoy of being the superior parent. This can lead to a struggle to have the court recognize a father's rights in Michigan.
If you are a single father who is seeking skilled legal representation for your divorce and child custody proceedings, contact Lady4Justice PLLC. We want to help protect your parental rights!
To learn more about fathers' rights in Michigan, reach us online or call (248) 773-3317 today! At Lady4Justice, PLLC, we provide legal help for fathers. Don't hesitate to reach out.
Courts Tend to Favor Mothers
Almost 50% of children born today are born to single parents, yet the court system is still based on the outdated concept of the nuclear family ꟷ a father that works, and a mother who is the primary caregiver. Due to this lag between the law and reality, single mothers have the presumption of sole custody, and single fathers have the right to pay child support. How much parenting time a father has with his child is then dependent upon how much time the mother wants to give him.
Good mothers understand their child's need for both parents, even if the couple breaks up. But some single mothers use their custody advantage to either manipulate or punish the father, usually for breaking up with them. When this happens, an innocent child suffers. However, fathers should not rise to this bait. Seeking out child custody advice for fathers is a better strategy if you are looking to get joint or full custody. As an Oakland County fathers' rights attorney with years of experience in family law, have represented many men in this plight. I have learned a lot about what gets men into bad predicaments, and how to avoid these traps.
Contact Our Fathers' Rights Lawyer in Oakland County Today
The more you, as a single father, can sidestep the landmines, the better chance you will have for gaining custody or joint custody of your child. I have enjoyed great success in many cases, winning sole legal and physical custody for my client. But in other cases where false claims of domestic violence and other made-up accusations clouded the landscape, it took years just to get more parenting time. If you are a man, winning custodial rights will almost always take longer because you do not enjoy the bias in your favor that women enjoy. Women are presumed to be good parents. Men have to prove that they are.
Understanding Fathers' Rights in Oakland County: Local Insights & Resources
Living in Oakland County, you are likely familiar with the local family court system and the challenges it can present for single fathers. The Oakland County Friend of the Court (FOC) is a key resource for parents navigating custody and child support issues. While the FOC aims to protect the best interests of the child, many fathers feel the system is still biased towards mothers. This can be particularly frustrating for fathers who are deeply committed to being active, loving parents.
Navigating Custody Challenges for Fathers
One common pain point for fathers in Oakland County is the presumption that mothers are the primary caregivers. This outdated notion can make it difficult for fathers to secure joint or full custody, even when they are equally capable of providing a nurturing environment. Additionally, the high cost of living in areas like Bloomfield Hills and Troy can add financial stress, especially when coupled with child support payments.
At Lady4Justice, we understand these local challenges and can help you navigate them. Whether you're dealing with a contentious custody battle or need guidance on how to present your case effectively in front of Oakland County judges, we have the experience and local knowledge to support you. We are familiar with the nuances of the local court system and can provide tailored advice to help you achieve the best possible outcome for you and your child.
Don't let the complexities of the Oakland County family court system deter you from fighting for your rights as a father. Reach out to us today to learn how we can assist you in purusing the custody arrangement that best serves your child's needs.
Our Oakland County fathers’ rights lawyer is well-equipped to provide legal help for fathers in Michigan. Contact us online or call (248) 773-3317 today!

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“Now after hiring Ms. Hitchcock I not only had immediate visitation with my daughter it was ordered for me to have unlimited phone contact and set visitation with her.”
- Rick W. -
“Mindy definitely understood what we were going through and took that into consideration when working on the case. I never felt like just another number.”
- John M. -
“My sincere thanks and appreciation for what you have done for me.”
- Eufrocina A. -
“Her strategic thinking was prescient and the result of tremendous experience.”
- Noah -
“Very professional and fast in Mindy is superb, smart, and wise! Super woman! She knows how to fight for her clients and she represented me very well, even when I was not present during the arbitration of my divorce process.dealing with all legal correspond”
- Sylvia J.